Tjo va det var livat i holken....
Har ni sett en bålgeting nån gång? De är GIGANTISKA, jag garanterar!!
Tidigare i våras hade vi gråsparvar i fågelholken som sitter på
ladan. När ungarna var flygfärdiga flyttade de ut och det blev tomt.
Plötsligt en dag i början av augusti satt vi ute och fikade när jag såg
att det rörde sig vid holken. Trodde först det var fjärilar som av någon
anledning lagt beslag på den, men det var bålgetingar....
Har ni aldrig sett en bålgting nån gång så kan jag garantera att de är
gigantiska....har aldrig sett en geting som ens varit i närheten av dessa
Mannen och sonen H tog hand om dessa inkräktare och bara det är värt
ett eget inlägg ;) Det blev vattensprutning och sönderhackning av holken
med en båtshake!!! Ha ha. Vi får fixa till den till våren igen när småfåglarna
kommer och vill flytta in!
Här är den lite ihopkurad, men den mätte ung 4 cm
Hujedamej, vilken otäcking till geting. Tur att ni fick bort dessa varelser :)
Min goa, underbara vän! Hoppas vi kan ses någon dag. Saknar dig som bara den.
Åh fy fasen. Läskiga grejer ;)
Hoppas du har det bra!
Iihhh, bålgetingar är såååå läskiga!!
Huuuu, jag hade sprungit in till sta´n om vi hade haft sådana i trädgården! :D
Since making his exit from fashion at the end of the 1990s, it turns out that Mugler has got into bodybuilding in a serious way, working out and stretching for two or three hours a day スープラ スニーカー 'It's true that I am my own muse ジェレミースコット 激安 The more prosaic version is that he was exactly who he said he was: the son of Arthur and Bertha Capel, raised with two sisters in a prosperous Catholic family whose money came from coalminers in the north of England ティンバーランド アウトレット The cost of living is so extremely high and the wages are not going up every year to meet the cost of living ジョーダン 新作 At Fidelity, I would enter SANPRB ノースフェイス 新作 Face it: Urban gardens aren't, and never will be, completely selfsustaining; nor will they produce enough food to meet the needs of all the poor ジェレミースコット 激安 At Prance Swagger you'll find elaborately festooned feather hats, simple "Mad Men era" pencil skirts, vintage pieces from high fashion labels, wide belts from the 80s, high waisted florals from the 1990s, floppy 70s movie star brims, cashmere vneck sweaters and much more timberland 激安 Also, he knows where luxury belongs カナダグース It is important to look at the power structure behind the Committee, and not just the named affiliates レッドウィング For family car camping I think the real goal is not spending the weekend at 'Party Central jeremy scott 通販 Actually, so are the other two colors on the same page: Pine Sprigs and Green Cove Springs, though maybe more minty than you want on the walls ノースフェイス 店舗 But the key point here is that you'd really want to disclose that up front on a document that they are going to sign カナダグース If you choose to wear Western clothes, choose those made of light cotton for the summer, dress in layers, take a jacket for the winter, and a raincoat for the monsoon season ザ ノースフェイス 店舗 It a bit different than "normal ティンバーランド 店舗 He began to make arch assist products and solutions for people young and old these kinds of as himself who worked all day on their toes ナイキエアージョーダン But newspaper stories about the group's Communist affiliations prevented the Almanacs from achieving commercial success, and they dissolved within a year ティンバーランド 激安 However, not having to face a serious challenger in more than a decade has allowed Capps to accrue a large campaign war chest (nearly $1 レッドウイング ベックマン This holds true for all wine types カナダグース 偽物
This particular ring is generally purchased following your first season of marriage or after the birthday of the very first infant エアマックス 人気 The safest bets for online shopping include knitwear, coats, and blouses because they fit over several sizes レッ ドウィング The shows typically lasted for an hour or more as up to 200 outfits passed back and forth ジェレミースコット 新作 I finish with deep breathing to calm my mind and clear my thoughts エアマックス 人気 Of course, she still looks great in heels but out of them her feet are a fetishists nightmare ピューテリー ハリケーン MBT shoes of women clothing unique wmyth unproved by hmyerarchical curve ザ ノースフェイス This online shop provides great and latest collection in females footwear at best money saving deals ノースフェイス Sometimes Rihanna is dressed quite Provoticaly where she may be dressed up quite sexy and these appeals more to the men audience who may find her more attractive エアジョーダン激安 Cute camis, babydolls and matching panties ティンバーランド 店舗 knew seven football players that committed suicide after they were done playing スープラ Vaider Bolts of cloth rest on a stool 激安レッドウイング I remember a lot of fights with my mother when I was little, because I wanted to wear pink エアジョーダン 通販 Nora Davis of a brother Felix and a Mrs レッドウイング アイリッシュセ Romney has been all over the map on the key foreign policy challenges facing our nation today, offering a lot of chest thumping and empty rhetoric with no concrete plans to enhance our security or strengthen our alliances, Ben LaBolt, Obama campaign spokesman, said in a statement last month エアマックス 2013 Because I can also find invaluable ideas from the really good comments ティンバーランド レディース Previous reviews of the older movements mentioned the possible driving down longrun level of one エアジョーダン 通販 First lesson we learned, bring your winter outfit エアマックス 復刻 In a late February letter to Member States, President Kerim said the debate would be divided into two parts エア ジョーダン